Welcome to the Shark’s Don’t Sleep Podcast where we talk to people who are making real waves in the ocean and marine life space. Today’s guest is Caitlin Drown. She is the Brand Engagement Manager at Climate Neutral. Climate Neutral is an independent non-profit organization that helps companies measure their carbon footprint, offset it in its entirety by purchasing quality carbon credits, and reduce emissions going forward.
There is a rigorous certification process that all companies must go through before being granted the Climate Neutral label. Once the three step process has been completed and met by the company, brands are allowed to use the CN label on products, packaging and marketing materials. The label shows consumers and stakeholders that that brand is committed to taking immediate steps on climate action.
Cape Clasp has proudly sported the Climate Neutral label for almost a year now, starting in July 2020. This year we have set two goals that will help the continuation of our carbon footprint as a brand:
What We’re Reducing:
We plan to continue to evolve our supply chain to be the most efficient and sustainable as possible.
How We’ll Reduce It:
We will be replacing our virgin materials with recycled materials (if possible) in every step of our manufacturing, packaging, and fulfillment processes. We also plan to work with more like-minded companies that are also working to become more sustainable.
What We’re Reducing:
We plan to reduce our energy usage in our Headquarters and Boston Office.
How We’ll Reduce It:
We plan to continue to install updated systems to help track energy usage that ensure the building and the team are aware of our footprint.
Other Sustainability Notes:
We have continued to grow our line of Tikós products made with 100% recycled ocean plastic over the last two years. Most recently partnering with the National Park Foundation to expand our reach with the Tikós bracelets. We have also introduced Tikós Sunnies with recycled ocean plastic frames and polarized lenses. Additionally with this line, we continue to shop all of our products in fully recycled/recyclable materials. Our Climate Neutral certification and 1% for the Planet membership are amazing attributes to add to these products in our mission to #makewaves.
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