$236,492 Donated To Our Non-Profit Partners!

How to get a FREE Cape Clasp Sticker Pack [Vlog] - Cape Clasp

How to get a FREE Cape Clasp Sticker Pack [Vlog]

Just a day in the life of Cape Clasp: on Cape Cod, opening mail for Fisher (shoutout to AWSC!), and droning at Nobska. We also reveal how you can get...
Icebergs on Cape Cod [WEEKEND VLOG] - Cape Clasp

Icebergs on Cape Cod [WEEKEND VLOG]

The cold snap continued last weekend, and we tracked down some icebergs here in Cape Cod, MA. Thank you for watching! Subscribe for more :)
Cape Cod Frozen Ocean [Amazing!] - Cape Clasp

Cape Cod Frozen Ocean [Amazing!]

Drove down the Cape over the weekend for a quick day trip. Ended up getting some awesome footage of the frozen ocean at Old Silver Beach, North Falmouth. Skip to...
Thanks to you, we donated over $10,000 to Marine Life Causes in 2017 - Cape Clasp

Thanks to you, we donated over $10,000 to Marine Life Causes in 2017

Wow - 2017 was a blur. It was a big year for CC: I left my job, we launched two new products, moved into a bigger office, and got Fishy...

Leaving the Dunes

Our last day in the dunes! We recap the trip, Haley shares her top three camping tips, and we are reunited with young Fishy.  
Haley Takes Over - Vlog 6 - Cape Clasp

Haley Takes Over - Vlog 6

Watch Day 6 of our Dune Shack Adventure below and please consider subscribing to our Youtube videos!  PTWN tanks from the one and only, Tim-Scapes. Thank you, Pat and Haley
Oversand Ride Through Provincetown - Cape Clasp

Oversand Ride Through Provincetown

On Day 5 of our Dune Shack Adventure, we ventured out in our 4Runner through the oversand trails of the outer beach. Our goal was to make it to our...
Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 4 - Cape Clasp

Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 4

Day 4 was a total washout, but we made the most of it! In town the day before, Haley grabbed one of the amazing Ptown coloring books from cartoonist James Frederick...
Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 3 - Cape Clasp

Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 3

Day 3! We trekked into town to get some real food at our favorite Ptown lunch spot, Pepe's. The hike was less than a mile, but definitely a workout in...
Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 2 - Cape Clasp

Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 2

After surviving the night in the dune shack, we spent our first day exploring our home for the next week. It was a lazy day spent sitting on the beach, exploring the...
Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 1 - Cape Clasp

Provincetown Dune Shack Adventure - Day 1

We spent a week out in one of Provincetown's historic dune shacks. We were lucky to stay out there, but had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! We...
Cape Clasp Goes Shark Tagging With Atlantic White Shark Conservancy - Cape Clasp

Cape Clasp Goes Shark Tagging With Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

I had never been on a Shark Tagging mission before... and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. "Full speed ahead!" yelled the Captain of the Atlantic...