$236,492 Donated To Our Non-Profit Partners!

The NFT Shark Project - Cape Clasp

The NFT Shark Project

The Shark Project is a collectible series of hand drawn illustrations living in the digital world which donate back to sharks living in the physical world. Your Shark also acts as...
Immortal Jellyfish - Cape Clasp

Immortal Jellyfish

The quest for immortality has captivated our minds since the beginning of time. From Dracula to The Picture of Dorian Gray, Benjamin Button, and Highlander, popular culture is filled with tales...
Let's Talk About the Moon(s) - Cape Clasp

Let's Talk About the Moon(s)

The Moon Jelly gets its name from their short tentacles and translucent moon-like bell. (A jellyfish’s bell is the portion of their bodies that contract and relax to help them move through the water.) With these tentacles, they deliver a sting to their prey (mostly zooplankton and mollusks), through their tentacles and can sting humans. But don’t worry, the sting is only a mild discomfort...
Nonprofit Partner Spotlight: Big Blue & You - Cape Clasp

Nonprofit Partner Spotlight: Big Blue & You

This past July, we spoke with Danni Washington, one of the co-founders of Big Blue & You (one of our nonprofit partners) on the importance of making waves. With four different initiatives, Big Blue & You is educating the next generation on how to use arts, science, and media as weapons of change in the name of conservation.
10 Amazing Facts About Manta Rays - Cape Clasp

10 Amazing Facts About Manta Rays

Manta rays are one of the most unique and eye-catching animals on planet earth. They also happen to be related to another popular ocean creature… sharks! Due to the relation to their toothy cousins (and to the stingray) people can mistake Don’t fret though, because manta rays don’t actually  pose any threat to humans! Let’s quell some of those unwarranted fears with 10 fun facts about these majestic ocean creatures.

What is a Mermaid's Purse? (Hint: not a handbag...) - Cape Clasp

What is a Mermaid's Purse? (Hint: not a handbag...)

When people hear the expression "mermaid's purse", they may, naturally, visualize a type of fashion accessory used by these legendary half-woman, half-fish creatures. In reality though, mermaid's purses are actually the egg cases of sharks and skates (flat fish that are very similar to manta rays, but with no spine and a fleshier tail). We know what you’re thinking; “C’mon Cape Clasp, not all sharks lay eggs!”, and you’re right! 

Hammerheads and Their Hammer Heads - Cape Clasp

Hammerheads and Their Hammer Heads

Although hammerhead sharks may be one of the ocean’s greatest predators, they’re also one of the most funny-looking predators too. Like the name suggests, their hammer-shaped heads look clunky and awkward  – but how do their head shapes help them survive in the deep blue?
The 5 Ocean Zones And The Creatures That Live Within Them - Cape Clasp

The 5 Ocean Zones And The Creatures That Live Within Them

The ocean is a vast place, and not all of it looks the same  – with varying temperatures, light, and marine life, scientists have classified the ocean into five main zones: the sunlight zone, the the twilight zone, the midnight zone, the abyss, and even farther down, the trenches.
Does Size Matter? Let's Talk Sharks

Does Size Matter? Let's Talk Sharks

With over 500 different species of sharks occupying every corner of the ocean, they’re bound to come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. What would you say if we told you that the smallest shark can fit into the palm of your hand, while the biggest is as big as a school bus? Let's dive in!

Tides for AWSC - Cape Clasp

Tides for AWSC

Our newest Tides Drop is a special one! We teamed up with Atlantic White Shark Conservancy for three new tees and tank tops exclusively available at our Pop-Up Shop on...
5 Ways to Keep the Ocean Clean - Cape Clasp

5 Ways to Keep the Ocean Clean

You can’t talk about the ocean without talking about one of the massive problems facing it: plastic pollution. Here at Cape Clasp, we will continue to talk about our plastic problem with the hope that more and more people will begin to listen.


Welcome to another episode of our podcast, Sharks Don’t Sleep, where we talk to people making waves for the ocean! On episode 8 we’re talking to Danni Washington, the co-founder and Executive Director of Big Blue & You!