Fisher’s Plastic-Free Tips: Keep the Cup
Make a 6-Pact for the Ocean
By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Organizations like our partner, the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, are tackling ocean plastic with innovative campaigns that focus on empowering individuals to take action. The Center recently launched the 6-Pact for the Ocean campaign with Provincetown designer Tim Covenry of TIM-SCAPES.
Introducing the Whale Ring
After the success of our first ring, the Great White Shark Ring, we knew we wanted to add to the line and choosing a whale for our second design made perfect sense. We have always loved the gentle, majestic nature of the whale, and with so many species like the North Atlantic right whale facing an uncertain future, protecting them has become one of our top priorities.
5 Surprising Facts About Shark Anatomy
Happy Shark Week! This is one of our favorite weeks of the year since the spotlight on sharks gives us the opportunity to clear up some of the biggest myths about sharks. Research on sharks is occurring all over the globe, but there is still so much we don't know about these animals. What science has taught us is that sharks are built to be fast and agile predators with these five amazing anatomical features.
5 Reasons to Clean the Coast
How Does Tikós #MakeWaves for the Ocean?
One question that has popped up a few times since we announced Tikós, our new line of 100% recycled ocean plastic cuffs, is “Doesn’t creating an item made out of plastic contribute to the ocean plastic issue?” We always strive to be transparent in our business practices, and want to clear up how we’re using Tikós to end the ocean plastic crisis, not perpetuate it.
Respect the Locals and Get Shark-Smart
Cape Cod isn’t just the summer home of people from around the world, many great white sharks also head to the region to dine on the thousands of seals that live on its shores. Unfortunately, these sharks are the victims of an undeserved reputation of being bloodthirsty, ruthless killers, but bites do happen. Follow these shark-smart tips to reduce your chances of coming in contact with a shark.
The Problem with Single-Use Plastic
Say Hello to tikos, Our New Line of Ocean Plastic Bracelets
Why Are More Sea Turtles are Getting Stranded on Cape Cod?
Every year in late fall, sea turtles wind up becoming stranded on the shores along Cape Cod Bay. But this year, things were even worse than usual. A total of 829 turtles were found on the Cape making it one of the worst years yet. In fact, that’s almost twice the amount found in 2016 and 10 times the amount found back in 2008.